If you live in the UK you can donate directly into our account or set up a convenient standing order through your bank. This could be for Child Sponsorship, myKCC Fundraisers, Friends of KCC, and any other donations.
Bank Account Details
Bank Barclays
Account Name KCC Slum Project
Sort Code 20-67-19
Account Number 93738701
Child Sponsorship
Become a child sponsor by giving a regular contribution that will go towards supporting all the children within our programme. To get started first have a quick read the Child Sponsorship page. Then just set the amount and frequency with your bank and send us a short email with the frequency and your contact details for our records.
Giving Amounts
Monthly: £7
Six Monthly: £42
Annual: £84
myKCC Fundraisers
You can donate towards any myKCC fundraiser directly into our UK bank account. Once you have made the donation just send a short email with name of the campaign and the amount.
Friends of KCC
Like any organisation, every month there are costs to keep the lights on, food stocked, teachers and staff payed, and much more. Friends of KCC is a group of monthly donors that support both our field work and operations from as little as £3 a month.
To set it up simply authorize a standing order with your bank using the account details above.
Suggested Giving
Monthly £3 | £6 | £13 | £30 | £45 | £65
Six Monthly £320
Annual £650