
In their own words these are the voices of five children from our  programme speaking about what difference it has made for them.

roseRose Imoni, 6 years

“Before I was enrolled in KCC school during each day I used to look after our baby and my younger brothers and sisters. I also used to wash the kitchen utensils, sweep the floor and do the washing. After coming to school I have learnt a lot about listening to others and obeying my teacher. I appreciate that I can come to school now and make new friends.”

Patrick Echom, 6 years

“My family is big, there are eight of us kids so I was so happy when I was enrolled into KCC school. In my days before coming to school, I used to work on our farm, watering all the plants and helping mum at the house. When I walk to school with my friends, Brian, Paul and James, I feel so proud wearing my uniform. At school I love reading, praying, talking to my teacher and meeting the visitors that come to see us.”

joyceJoyce Ekamis, 6 years

“I feel good and proud when I’m coming to school. Before being enrolled here, in the days I used to wash all the kitchen utensils, sweep the floors and clean our house. I love school and my three best friends are Mercy, Janet and Irene. Since coming to KCC school I’ve become cleaner, grown taller and I’ve started to learn English.”



danielDaniel Eaitaae, 6 years

“When I used to be at home all day I would help my mum by taking care of my younger brothers and sisters, fetching water from the river and digging on the farm. Now I can see a difference between staying at home and coming to school. At home I have a lot of responsibilities and at school I get to learn to read and write. When I was sick I was taken to hospital straight away and got better. I’m very happy to be in school.”

janetJanet Ayuma, 5 years

“My best friends at school are Lucy, Irene and Stacey. Before coming to KCC school I used to help my mum at home all day by sweeping the floors and washing the utensils and clothes. I love my uniform and it makes me feel proud about coming to school. I have learnt to read and I enjoy writing and lunch time makes me happy too! ”