Kitendo Children’s Charity is proud to announce that our Co-Founder, Marcus Gregar-Rive, has been nominated for the 2013 IVHQ Volunteer of the Year Awards!
Voting is open from midday NZST Friday 1st March until midnight NZST 15th March 2013, the general public can vote to nominate who they think should take the top title.
Each contestant will win prize money for projects, with the top prize amounting to US$2500. KCC will invest any prize money Marcus wins, into sustainability projects.
Voting is easy, social and quick. To vote click and follow the link or button below. If the button doesn’t open, please open a new browser and copy paste the link below.
Once you arrive at his profile, simply scroll down and click on vote. You will then enter your email address. At the top of the screan a box will appear. All you need to do the is open your email, click on the confirmation link and your done. It takes around 30 seconds!
TWEET #volunteeroftheyear @MarcusGR @KCCslumproject
VIDEO watch the KCC video to see where prize money will go
From our community in Kenya, thank you for your continued support