The Transport Challenge

Budget to raise $15000.

Meeting the needs to run KCC has many challenges. One of the major challenges we have on a continual basis, is transport.

Without our own vehicle all the transport KCC uses is either public, or private contracts to transport operators from within Naivasha town.

This is how KCC has operated since 2009 with the main reason being that we have directed all funds received, into programming, operations, land and construction.

The solution is to acquire a vehicle through a separate 2014 fundraising campaign. The budget allocation for this has been set at US$15,000 and we aim to raise this by July 2014. The second option would be for a vehicle to be gifted.

It’s part of this years plan and so if you are interested in either donating a figure or the vehicle itself, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email.

To make a donation go HERE