
KCC Seed GerminationWe started a school garden early this year, with our volunteers and the permanent school volunteers.  The garden is right by the kitchen and will be providing most of our vegetable needs in time. Currently we buy from local farmers and receive a small donation form a vegetable store (Back to Eden) in Naivasha town. This photo was taken on Friday 23rd and are the green bean seedlings we sowed 7 days ago. We also have cabbages, kale and carrots growing in the garden.

The garden is doing a number of different things:

First: its enabling the school to become more self reliant.

Second: Its teaching the kids about where food comes from and how its all connected

Third: Its a new part of placement for volunteers who help us at the school with planting, watering, weeding, harvesting – all those fun things!

We have also started a compost and have almost completed a separate water access point for the garden. Watch this space for more updates on our ventures with the soil!